Sunday, January 27, 2008
went out with baby today! omg i just came home after like, 6 hours of walking around due to shopping!! damn shagged. my legs feel like breaking la. =.= started off from chinatown, met baby there cuz she was collecting donations over there. moved on to tanjong pagar, then to orchard. checked out wisma for some dress that baby wanted. but it wasnt suitable hehehehe. went to makan at ajisen ramen at taka. aiya, and then i forgot to withdraw money, no money to eat. so i had to go out and hunt for the atm. after that, the shopping began!
went to fox to buy skirt for her. was quite mini. hahah. taka after that, went to lvl 3 to buy a miss bunny file. checked out heeren and cine for things to buy. but then i couldnt find anything nice to buy. urghh. damn sad la. i find it so hard to find clothes i like >.>
more or less gave up on shopping already, so went to bibi and baba at shaw for baby's uniform. but then it was closed =.= we missed it by about 40 mins. then there was a mango around, so we checked it out and almost bought a top there. but in the end never.
went to da bao dinner and FINALLY GOT HOME!! whooo. omg im damn shagged now pls. gonna slp k bye! =D
etched at 11:10 PM